
Information on the 1st Material DX Seminar (October 19, 2022) (Application deadline: October 14)

The Materials DX Research Division aims to create cross-disciplinary DX human resources and innovate industry-academia collaboration “manufacturing” by cultivating the fusion field of information science and materials science.

We will be holding a material DX seminar and roundtable discussion on “Experimental Design and Utilization of Bayesian Optimization” by Professor Fujiwara of Nagoya University.

To efficiently collect data and perform analysis, such as experimental design, Bayesian optimization, and statistical testing, which are required in the design of various types of experiments such as material design, biological experiments, and psychological experiments, etc. Learn how to do it through practical training.

We look forward to your participation.


Click here for the brochure↓

Material DX seminar & round table

~Utilization of experimental design and Bayesian optimization~

[Date] October 19, 2022 10:00-17:30 Hybrid event

[Sponsored by] Nagoya University Institute for Materials Innovation, Institute for Future Society Creation
Open Innovation Promotion Office, Institute for Future Society Creation, Nagoya University

[How to apply] ↓Click here

Google form for application only[Application deadline 10/14 10/10]

[Contact] Material DX Seminar & Roundtable Discussion Secretariat (within Campus Create Co., Ltd.)
E-mail address: mdx-nu@campuscreate.com